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Inspire your intimacy & passion for Jesus
We are a growing community of intergenerational women who desire to faithfully pursue Jesus and help lead others to do the same. We believe in building an authentic community of Kingdom-minded women who say “YES” to where God leads them, no matter how risky it might feel. We are so glad you are here!
I Am
Navigating college
How To
Now Walk it Out
Guy Talk
We Are Live Salted!
Getting back into school can be rough, exciting, jarring, hard or anything in between. At a minimum, it is a season of transition. We also want to remind you that whatever feeling you are experiencing, that is OK! Please don’t shame yourself in anyway for how you are feeling when going through a transition; that being said, remember to be in conversation with God through it all!
Read through and meditate on the verses below to help you in this time!
When things seem to not be going your way and the structure and plans you have put into place seem to be falling apart, remember that you are living out God’s plan for your life not your own. Submit all your dreams and plans to Him, trust Him to make it happen and to take care of all the details, and know that He will make your paths straight.
Ladies, this verse is crazy. Think of your most ridiculous dreams, and then think that God has already thought about that AND He has so much more planned for you. But… those crazy things will only happen if you love Him. Make sure you find time in each day to get out there and spend time loving Jesus and His people.
This life we live on earth isn’t easy, but don’t think you are alone in that. Jesus experienced harder times than we ever will, and He overcame the world! When you start to feel this way, run to Jesus first and then to the people and community you surround yourself with.
Self-discipline is a hard one to grasp and really live into sometimes- especially when you are away from your parents. This could mean something as simple as making sure you brush your teeth and eat breakfast everyday, to the more serious ones of practicing the art of discipline when it comes to how many drinks you consume and your mentality behind that, how you respect your body around boys and desiring Jesus to fill your craving for attention, and even how you treat the buffet lines in the caf. The Lord gave us our bodies and our time on this earth, and we are called to practice self-discipline in order to use our bodies for the good of this world.
If you tell yourself everyday that you are going to live your life out of love for our Father, imagine all the good that will happen in your life and all the good you will bring to people around you. When you love God, and pour into what His plans are for your life- you will be utterly amazed at what happens.
Here, the Lord calls us His “chosen one in whom {he} delights.” Wow, if you sit with that truth then it will radically change how you live your everyday life. Live as a chosen daughter of Christ, one that has God’s Holy Spirit upon you, and you will be used to bring justice to this world and good to the people who inhabit it. Be encouraged, this doesn’t have to be in a crazy large scale, it can be in your sorority, on your floor, in the classroom, or during a club meeting. When you are walking with God- He will show you these opportunities all the time.
For those days when you are running around, singing, dancing, and laughing for no reason at all, remember that it is the Lord who fills you with this inexpressible and glorious joy. It is your Father blessing you from up high for your diligence in pursuing Him, and longing for the things outside of this temporary world we call home. Bask in that joy, soak in that goodness, and thank God for those times- they are His little (and big) blessings to you.
Whatever it is that you may fear this year: giving a speech for your business presentation class, making a pitch or presentation in front of a massive lecture hall of people, going through recruitment, navigating your way around campus, or even finding real true friends and community, give it all to the Lord. He will give you the strength to trust him, and He will hold you up with his mighty righteous right hand.
Remember, Jesus is always here for you- in Word, Truth, and Spirit. Dig into the word and discover all that it has for you!
Our Hub Contributors are women who share their passion and perspective with us by writing articles for our HUB. We love opening up our platform to create space to hear other voices and let our audience be discipled by a variety of people. If you are interested in writing for the HUB, please send us an email at
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