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Inspire your intimacy & passion for Jesus
We are a growing community of intergenerational women who desire to faithfully pursue Jesus and help lead others to do the same. We believe in building an authentic community of Kingdom-minded women who say “YES” to where God leads them, no matter how risky it might feel. We are so glad you are here!
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We Are Live Salted!
May 13, 2023 | Mosaic Church | Seattle, WA
As we contemplated dates for the Spring Embody conference, the one that kept surfacing was Mother Day’s weekend. While industry standards advise staying away from hosting big annual events over holiday weekends, we did just that. We realized we might have lower attendance, but we also knew it could be a very special event for mother/daughter duos and for women who experience the day as a bittersweet one. It was an unconventional idea, but looking at what the Lord did on May 15th, 2023 – we wouldn’t have had it any other way.
On a beautiful sunny Spring day, women poured in from all around the state and beyond, to join us for our annual day-long conference. Our theme this year— Embody. Our core verse was taken from Philippians 1:23-25. In these verses, Paul shares about his internal struggle. He wants to leave earth to be united with Christ, but he is also convinced that it is better for him to remain here for the sake of others’ joy and progress in the faith.
With this truth from Paul’s message as our lens, our core themes and discussions for the day centered around how to live grounded in the present moment, and as a result, be free to live beyond ourselves.
“I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith.” Philippians 1:23-25)
After an incredible time of worship led by deaf friends of Live Salted, Kendall Hill + Ife Oladoja, we were welcomed into a time of stillness and presence by Michelle Tupin. At Salt, we believe that before we can digest and receieve new ideas and truths, we must be able to name where we are in the present moment. After our first worship set, and Michelle’s grounding exercise, we were ready for what the day might hold!
From the main stage we listened to Founder of Live Salted, Krista Breilh, unpack more of the core verse. Pastor Amreitha Jeeva shared about the power of being people of peace, and speaker Emily Jamieson preached about what truly satisfies us in living an embodied life:
Emily Jamieson –“Don’t try so hard to be good. Just try so hard to get to Him. Do everything you can. Throw everything out of the way, so you can get near to the one who made you, who loves you, who knows you the best, and loves you the most. He will keep you. He will literally change your taste buds. The things that used to be fun, that used to satisfy, that used to numb – no longer will. They will cause you discomfort. They will cause you disease, and you realize that He is the only one that actually satisfies.”
In the middle of the day, ladies chose the breakout session they wanted to attend. They could choose: a Bible Reading Workshop, How to Carry Your Faith into the Marketplace, Embodying and Loving Your Physical Body, or attend a panel on grief. As each woman shared their stories and lessons learned in the breakout sessions, listeners reaped nuggets of wisdom and ‘ah-ha’ moments.
Our heart at Salt is to create environments where the Lord can creatively meet all of His daughters and it was such a privilege to watch everyone walk into those moments throughout the day!
As we transitioned back as a group to hear our final speaker of the day, we asked Kendall Hill to play one of her original songs “Undone.” It was a song that no one in the audience had heard before, but by the time the song was over, nearly every person was on their feet or knees in response to the lyrics. The song became the anthem to our conference as we sang over and over these lyrics:
“I’m undone by you. Drawn in to you. Homesick for you. How I love you. You’re captivating. No hesitating. My whole life changing. How I love you. I give you my heart. I give you my mind. I give you my worship. I give you my life. Cause God you are worthy. I lay it all on the line, so here is my worship, here is my life.”
As we wrapped up the day with a classic Live Salted dance party, we reflected on how undone the Lord made us—time and time again—throughout the day. From the way He orchestrated the speakers, to the breakout sessions, to the time of response during worship and prayer—even the interactions between women in the margins of hallways and bathrooms seemed ordained by Him—we were undone by His persistent love.
We are unbelievably thankful that we have access to a life fully embodied with Him. Thank you Jesus for everything!
“I came to the conference trying to make a big decision, while I don’t have a clear answer right now, I am leaving this weekend with a better understanding of who Jesus is.”
“One month ago I lost my Mom, and I realized that Mother’s Day weekend was going to be really challenging for me. I almost pulled out of everything. I was concerned I wouldn’t be able to handle my emotions, etc. But God asked me to be there, so I showed up, unrehearsed, and let the Lord lead. I showed up trusting He would move through me. I held it together all day until the song “death could not hold you,” and I missed my Mom so much and at that moment a new friend came and enveloped me and prayed in my ear reminding me Jesus has me.”
“It’s inspiring to see faith just pour out of people – it’s not common for me to see this, so seeing people on fire for Jesus encourages me to do the same.”
We were so encouraged by this year’s conference! Whether you attended yourself, or see yourself attending in the future, we would love to invite you to join in with one of our upcoming events. You can find all of that information below!
Live Salted is a ministry for the hungry ones. They create Scripture-based resources + spaces to cultivate a culture where women live intimately with Jesus and boldly in their communities.
Sign up to join our growing community of intergenerational, Kingdom-minded women as we pursue the Lord together. You can expect words of encouragement, notices about upcoming events and sometimes a little peek behind the scenes of the Live Salted Team. We would love for you to join our growing family!