We are a growing community of intergenerational women who desire to faithfully pursue Jesus and help lead others to do the same. We believe in building an authentic community of Kingdom-minded women who say “YES” to where God leads them, no matter how risky it might feel. We are so glad you are here!
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Each one of us has that “thing” that makes us feel we don’t deserve to be loved. But every day we are covered in His grace whether we realize it or not.
Anxiety left me feeling broken this year. It made my body feel like beaten up and I carried tennis ball-sized knots in the muscles of my neck and shoulders because of tension and stress. Anxiety robbed me of sleep. Everywhere I went, I was in a constant cycle of fear which prevented me from doing anything “normal.” I wanted to know why? Why me? Why now? Why do I have to deal with this constantly? What did I do to deserve this? How can He love me when I am struggling so much with this?
Each one of us has that “thing.” The thing that makes us want to either push love away or that tells us we don’t deserve God’s love. Whether it is a broken heart, abused spirit, fear, shame, or self-consciousness, it can consume our thoughts and break us down completely. Maybe you even feel like it’s your fault that things are the way they are. Thankfully, our God is a God that loves us too much to keep us where we are. We are covered in His grace daily whether we realize it or not.
His love is a healing love (Psalm 147:3). Go to Him, receive His love, and let it cover you. And know that His love doesn’t leave you unchanged. Our Creator is constantly seeking us. He knows every little thing about us, even the things we don’t tell anyone, and He loves us even still. Yet, we give in to every type of fear and believe that He is too small for our problems or doesn’t care. “I am just one in a few billion people, why would He care about me?”
Isaiah 49:16 says “Behold, I have engraved your name on the palms of my hands … ”
When we are thinking “He can’t love us enough to fix things,” He is whispering to us that our name was on His mind when He was on the cross. What a crazy, beautiful act of love. What other proof of His love do we need? His love is all that we need, friend. I truly believe He has healed and continues to heal my heart and my anxiety. Whenever I feel like my world is spinning out of control, He is with me, holding my hand through it all.
He loves me, just as dearly as He loves you. Look back at Romans 8:39 from the beginning of this post:
“Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:39)
Now let’s read it in The Message version because I really want it to sink in.
“High or low, thinkable or unthinkable – absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.” Romans 8:39
Maybe your heart feels so broken that it actually hurts. Or maybe you’ve been pushed down in life too many times to count.
Our circumstances do not prove how much our God loves us. We need to stop putting His love into a box just because we feel it isn’t big enough for us. He is running to meet us right where we are with unconditional love. A love that never runs out. If we allow ourselves to feel this love, amazing things can happen. It can cover us and heal us of all of our brokenness, fill the holes in our hearts and smooth over the jagged parts of our souls. This love isn’t something we need to work for – we aren’t meant to heal our own brokenness- it is something you are freely given and you must freely accept.
Your Love Changes Everything by United Pursuit
I leave you with this. Read Psalm 139. You may have read this verse before, but I want you to pretend you haven’t. Read it slowly and in silence, soaking in every word, then spend a few more moments meditating on the words you just read. Scripture is meant to be read and meditated on before we close our Bibles and continue on with our lives. Drink up His words sweet friend, and open your heart to how much He truly loves you.
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