We are a growing community of intergenerational women who desire to faithfully pursue Jesus and help lead others to do the same. We believe in building an authentic community of Kingdom-minded women who say “YES” to where God leads them, no matter how risky it might feel. We are so glad you are here!
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Whatever situation you’re in, you can be filled with inexpressible joy because you serve and believe in a God who’s the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
“Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.” – 1 Peter 1:8
Have you ever had this feeling rise up inside of you, a sort of excitement, that you don’t know how to release? Like you are overwhelmingly joyful for no real reason? This has happened to me a few times, and before I discovered 1 Peter 1:8, I would describe this feeling as something that could only be released by kissing someone, screaming, or squeezing a puppy … I know strange (don’t worry I never did any of those things). But it is this feeling that I did not have words for- until I came across this verse. It is an “inexpressible joy” that there really are no words to use to capture the essence of this internal bubbling over joy.
“You’ll never know this kind of joy until you can’t find words to describe it. This is joy that declares, “I will not be confined to the dimensions of your mind or reduced to the definitions in your dictionary.” – Sam Storms
In the various versions of the verse, different adjectives are found to replace “inexpressible” and one that I am very fond of is “unspeakable.” It can be described as meaning “unable to find expression in words.” How beautiful is that!
I understand that some of you have yet to experience this type of joy in your lives, or are in a season where this type of joy is hard to find, but I firmly believe this joy is one that can be tapped into at any and every moment of our lives because this joy is rooted and established in the One who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and will never change. I would even challenge you to think that you are able to tap into “inexpressible joy,” not just joy alone.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” – Hebrews 13:8
Taking a look back at 1 Peter 1:8, it says because we “love Him,” and “believe Him” (all outside of physical sight and proof), we are able to experience this inexpressible joy. It all starts with HIM. There will be times in your life when your circumstances will aid in your ability to feel and experience this joy, but what we need to understand is that this joy is ALWAYS there because it is found in a God who is ALWAYS there.
Do you believe that? Do you believe that in whatever you are experiencing or going through, God is there with you amongst it all?
You get to choose what you enjoy. You can choose to enjoy things that give you life: time spent with friends, reading the Bible, going on adventures, trying new things. Or you can choose to enjoy things that might not be that life-giving: Netflix, binge eating, watching inappropriate movies, and any other idols you might have outside of Christ.
You get to choose when and what you find joy in and how you act upon it, it is all in your power. I would challenge you to think about the things in your life that you enjoy and whether or not they result in inside out joy or just temporary happiness.
Taking on a mindset of joy is one that takes training and practice. You must approach each and every moment as a chance to tap into this joy, and make this perspective a habit. After time, you will begin to see this overwhelming joy take over your whole body in complete appreciation for the fact that God is with you always.
Give it a try! I promise it will not disappoint, but rather result in a life full of whimsical love and joy for all that you get to experience while on this planet. Search after it, then bask in it. A joyful life is a life well lived.
Krista Breilh is the founder and executive director of Live Salted. She began her journey with Live Salted in 2016 and has been chasing after the Lord with this calling on her life ever since. Krista is currently living in Seattle, Washington with her husband and baby girl. Her passion is to bring people together while helping them recognize the potential and influence they have to give.
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