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We are a growing community of intergenerational women who desire to faithfully pursue Jesus and help lead others to do the same. We believe in building an authentic community of Kingdom-minded women who say “YES” to where God leads them, no matter how risky it might feel. We are so glad you are here!
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Natalie reminds us of how big the galaxy we exist in is, how small we are in comparison and just how greatly our Lord loves us.
There are 7.125 billion people on this Earth. There are 950,000 species, just of insects, on this Earth. Roughly 10,000 species of animals are discovered each year. The total surface of the Earth is 197 million square miles. AND there are 15641597556 acres of land that are habitable for humans. This is just the Earth we live on.
Let me keep going.
Jupiter is 121.9 times bigger than Earth. The diameter of the sun is 109 times larger than the diameter of the Earth. Feel small yet? 17 billion Earths could fill our Milky Way galaxy. The Milky Way galaxy expands 100,000 light-years across (how big is a light-year you may ask? 5.879000000000000 miles!!). Times that by 100,000. The Milky Way has a mother on M87 Galaxy which is 980,000 light-years away and Hercules A Galaxy which is 1.5 million light-years away! Hercules A is puny compared to the IC 1101 Galaxy, but I’m not even going to go there.
If you are still reading this, PROPS! These numbers are so big, it is impossible for any human to wrap our brain around it. So why am I telling you this? Why is it so important to realize how big the universe we live in is? Because we will never be able to grasp how incredibly small we are until we can get an idea of how incredibly big the universe is.
You do not have to be a space nerd to see how cool that is. You do not have to love constellations to see the beauty in them.
This is not even the coolest part though!
The same God that put these into motion, the same God that controls these day to day, the same God that has the power to move one thing in space and watch our world crumble down in the blink of any eye, is the SAME GOD who MADE YOU! He is the same God who made your eyes blue, or brown, or gave you red hair or blonde hair. He is the same God who loves and adores you a million billion trillion light-years more than the stars in the sky.
One big lie I find myself believing quite often is I need to get my life together before I can stand in front of the same God that put the stars in the sky. I am here to tell you something fam, that is a lie from the pit of Hell.
I am a Mass Communication major with a Community Health minor. You might be thinking, “those are complete opposites”, yeah, you’re not wrong. I go straight from a Web design class to an Epidemiology class. Most of the time, I wear the same T-shirt I wore to bed to class the next day, I drink way too many cups of coffee, and I walk out the door 95% of the time with my hair unbrushed.
I am FAR from having my life together. I am small compared to the world around me. I realize this more and more every day. But you know what? Realizing this is a blessing! I have to realize how small I actually am, so I can experience how big God is.
The planets, the stars, and the galaxies are not all competing to be the best. They simply do their job and glorify their Maker.
“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” – Psalm 19:1
Instead of trying to please everyone and do everything to try and “get our lives together,” let’s pause and declare the glory of God and proclaim our Maker’s handiwork.
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