Live Salted's Current


One Year Commitment

Events Committee Team Member

Live Salted's Events Committee will assist in organizing core events including a Fundraising Gala, annual Conference, and two Salt Dinners. Committee Members will collaborate on vision, planning, and execution, with weekly planning hours varying based on the events calendar. We are looking for 4-5 women.

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Application →


Connect Committee Team Member

Live Salted’s Connect Team will  have a passion for discipleship and connection. They will be the hands and feet of Salt, connecting with women who are new to Salt or the area. They will help women feel connected, plugged in, and pursued. The Connect Team Member will embody and showcase the love of Jesus to the women they meet, as they represent the values and heart of Live Salted. We are looking for 2-3 women. 

Job Description →

Application →

All positions open to women of all ages based in Seattle, WA.