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Inspire your intimacy & passion for Jesus
We are a growing community of intergenerational women who desire to faithfully pursue Jesus and help lead others to do the same. We believe in building an authentic community of Kingdom-minded women who say “YES” to where God leads them, no matter how risky it might feel. We are so glad you are here!
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Navigating college
How To
Now Walk it Out
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We Are Live Salted!
Every young woman at a large university is always asked one question: Are you going to join a sorority? From the minute they get to freshman orientation, girls from different sororities with banners, scrapbooks, and pictures, surround them each trying to make a good impression on the new girl so she will rush their house. Rushing can feel like a right of passage, even if the girl does not end up joining a house in the end. But is it a good idea to join a sorority if you are trying to pursue your relationship with Christ?
I was that freshman. I came into my first year convinced that I was not going to join a sorority. However, the scrapbooks and the banners and the Tumblr pictures swayed me to give the recruitment process a chance. On the last day of recruitment, I was torn between two houses, and was still questioning whether or not it was for me. I ended up taking a bid and have never looked back. The experiences I have had and the memories I’ve made will be cherished forever.
On the downside, I felt as if some of my friends who were Christians questioned my decision, and that made it difficult to keep a positive attitude about the experience in the beginning.
And I’ll admit, it was hard for a while. Temptations arose from every direction, and I felt as if I lost track of my faith. The winter break after my first semester, I realized I wanted to get more in touch with God. I did not actively attend a church service or an on-campus organization, but I spent more time in the word and in prayer.
During my sophomore year, I can truly say my sorority has felt more like a home than ever before, largely due to a bible study that was planted in it a few years ago. I had attended once or twice, but I made it my mission to regularly go this year. Sooner or later I found myself joining the leadership team for Greek InterVarsity, an organization placed on campuses for students in sororities and fraternities to encounter God. I can quite honestly say that the organization and the group of people I am involved with have changed my life. Every week, in the bible study (which is also a part of Greek IV), we focus on a verse and have discussion questions, and every week more and more girls come. My mentor in Greek IV has helped me so much, and I owe a lot to my best friend, Sam Cade. Sam has been such a positive light in the chapter, and has acted as a spiritual mentor to me as well as many other women.
If you are considering joining a sorority and have questions, or are currently in a sorority and feeling disconnected, please don’t give up. It will definitely be difficult, but the Lord works in mysterious ways, and may have a plan for you to plant a bible study in your house, or even just bring a sister to church for the first time. Also, feel free to contact me on Facebook if you have any questions at all!
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