We are a growing community of intergenerational women who desire to faithfully pursue Jesus and help lead others to do the same. We believe in building an authentic community of Kingdom-minded women who say “YES” to where God leads them, no matter how risky it might feel. We are so glad you are here!
I Am
Navigating college
How To
We Are Live Salted!
Who was the first person that made having a relationship with Jesus attractive to you? Not, who introduced you to the person of Jesus or Christianity as a whole but who lived in a way that made you think, “Wow! I want what they have. What makes this person so different? Who influences the way they talk, carry themselves, are present in conversations? How do they embody joy and think about the future with excitement rather than stress? Who is this Jesus guy they keep talking about?”
Read further now that you have that person in mind.
For me, it was a counselor at a family camp in Montana when I was in third or fourth grade. As a lifelong Christian, this wasn’t my first time at a camp like this but I wasn’t totally sold yet that this whole Jesus thing was for me. But when I met the camp counselor, her voice changed my life.
You might be thinking that it was because she shared some amazing message with me or had an incredible one-on-one conversation but those weren’t the reason.
Do you want to know what it was? It was when I heard her sing and watched her worship. I knew there was something different about her that hit deep in my soul but it wasn’t because her singing voice was good. Friends, it was awful! AWFULLLLL!
But there was something about her tone-deaf, painful-to-listen-to singing that made Jesus absolutely radiate through her as she WORSHIPPED the Father with total abandon! During worship her arms were fully stretched out and she was singing at the top of her lungs, not caring a single ounce about what anyone around her might think. She didn’t care what she sounded like—she was singing for an audience of one.
I saw her living in complete surrender and freedom and I wanted it for myself! I wanted the freedom to give Jesus everything, without giving any of myself over to the opinions of people.
You know what I think is so fascinating about this life-changing moment?
She had no idea she had this impact on me and she never will know because I don’t even remember her name. It truly was a short, random observation that forever changed my life.
There are countless moments when someone briefly encountered you, heard you sing off-key and left completely marked and touched by Jesus but you will never know it this side of heaven. Yet, the enemy can make us question and doubt the impact we make and the influence we have all while convincing us that our voice holds no weight or isn’t good enough.
I don’t know if lies or personal hangups swept through the camp counselor’s head during worship, yet, her ability to fully show up and not diminish her praise to God due to shame or comparison, changed my life.
In the world we live in with followers, likes, comments and other metrics surrounding us—with countless people with whom we can make comparisons—the lie that our voice isn’t impactful is easy to believe. We might see the digital measure of someone else’s platform, follower count, or leadership resumé, and equate that with real-life influence. This can quickly become internal and make us doubt ourselves, discount who WE are and diminish the voice that God has given US for someone else to hear.
Let me give you this encouragement. What God wants to say through you cannot be drowned out! Can I just take a moment to remind you that before the beginning of time, before you were even conceived, the Lord called you by name and was completely taken with you.
He has desires for you. He has created you with a unique set of abilities, talents, likes, dislikes, pain points, and pleasures that all play into who you are and what He has created you to be. AND He has placed you in a sphere of influence to release all of those things to the specific people who need to hear them from YOU.
For some, that sphere can look bigger. For others, that sphere can appear more intimate. And remember, our spheres will change over time—and that is all God’s doing, not yours. God has placed you in the time, space and place you are in, and He has entrusted you to steward that “land” and the people around you well. You are called to tend to your roots and He will be in charge of your shadow of influence.
“Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you – guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in you.” (2 Timothy 1:14 NIV)
“Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” ( Psalm 16:5-6 NIV)
Some of you reading this desire to have more influence, and I love that you desire that. My prayer would be that there is no selfish ambition or vain conceit in that desire and that it is a growing hunger for more responsibility that the Lord has deposited in you (Philippians 2:3-4). I believe SO deeply, that the women in this community are the hungry ones and are who God is calling to be bold and step up for His Kingdom in His time.
“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” (Luke 16:10 NIV)
So for the time being, steward well what God has given you. Grow in your intimacy with Jesus and the Lord will entrust you with more in His perfect timing.
These are all the people God has called you to and, in the most non-creepy way, they are the people who are watching you.
Would they look at you and think, Wow, I want what they have! What makes this person so different? Who influences the way they talk, carry themselves, are present in conversations? How do they embody joy and think about the future with excitement and not stress? Who is this Jesus guy they keep talking about?
You see, it goes full circle. Just as there was a moment in your life when someone carried the name of Jesus in a way that made you curious to learn, know and experience more for yourself, YOU can have that same impact on someone else and you likely already have whether you know it or not.
We are passionate about equipping our group leaders and we believe each of our lives and voices matter in the arena where God has called us to lead. That doesn’t mean He has called us to lead the masses, or start a business, or be a manager, or speak in front of hundreds of people. When God calls us, He calls us into His perfect design for us.
He knows who you will reach. Your life and your story are written to intersect with the people He has for you. I have experienced a good amount of things in my life so far, but there isn’t anything that brings me more joy than talking about Jesus with people. Whether it’s sharing what I’m learning in my quiet times, talking about Jesus to someone for the first time, sharing a testimony from my life or someone else’s—these are the moments I am consciously aware of the eternal, unearthly impact He allows me to have. These are the conversations that matter.
You have the Spirit living inside of you to which Jesus said He would do greater things through us than He himself ever did (John 14:12). I pray you read this today and feel encouraged to live for the Lord in a more conscious and active way.
Your voice matters more than you can ever imagine – no matter how angelic, or out of key you may consider it!
I am sending you out from this article commissioned and charged to carry His name well to whatever sphere of influence you have been called to. I pray we hear many testimonies that come from being reminded and encouraged of who you truly are!
Krista Breilh is the founder and executive director of Live Salted. She began her journey with Live Salted in 2016 and has been chasing after the Lord with this calling on her life ever since. Krista is currently living in Seattle, Washington with her husband and baby girl. Her passion is to bring people together while helping them recognize the potential and influence they have to give.
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