Inspire your intimacy & passion for Jesus
Find out more about how to connect to God
Grow in your faith through tangible resouorces
Inspire your intimacy & passion for Jesus
We are a growing community of intergenerational women who desire to faithfully pursue Jesus and help lead others to do the same. We believe in building an authentic community of Kingdom-minded women who say “YES” to where God leads them, no matter how risky it might feel. We are so glad you are here!
I Am
Navigating college
How To
Now Walk it Out
Guy Talk
We Are Live Salted!
On February 9th, 2019 a group of women gathered in an intimate setting in Los Angeles, California for a day of learning what it means to believe in God’s faithfulness even when our life circumstances and situations tells us we should believe otherwise. To be honest, this was one of our hardest events to date to put on as everything that could go wrong, did. It was right in the middle of the “snowpocalypse” that was happening in Seattle, Washington (where Live Salted is based) to the point that we thought we might not even be able to fly out and make it to LA. Our intern wasn’t so lucky as some of the rest of our team and her plane never got off the runway, meaning our slide deck didn’t either. Did we mention the venue that we were originally going to use canceled on us only two weeks before? It felt like we were almost living out the “Even When” theme of this conference in real life without even putting this conference on!
But like we had been studying, God is faithful in ALL things. What happened in that room that Saturday was real, life-transforming and trajectory shifting. A woman said yes to the Lord for the first time, people were able to shift their perspective over their current situations to see more of God in them, and our times of worship throughout the entire event were POWERFUL. Kendall Hill, our worship leader, leads from a space of deep deep intimacy and desire to be connected with the Lord and it was so apparent. The group was smaller than a normal Salt event, but it was not any smaller in how God worked in and through it!
Even when I feel incapable or unqualified or not “spiritual enough” God is telling me that I am uniquely called and important in His kingdom. – Even When Attendee
Even when all the doors seem closed, God is opening doors in Heaven that will soon reveal themselves on earth. – Even When Attendee
Even when I am picked last, God is still out there waving His arms, saying, ‘I choose you, I choose you!’ – Even When Attendee
Panels are one of the most uncontrollable elements of a conference. You trust a group of ladies to sit on a stage and share their life experiences and thoughts and pray that they are aligned with the heart of your ministry and belief in God. Over our history of putting on events, some panels have been amazing and others have fallen real flat. But that doesn’t scare us away from continuing to create a space for other voices to be heard!
That being said, the panel we had for this conference was UNREAL. We had never before seen such vulnerability and rawness on a stage as women shared about relational hardships around pornography, the struggle of body language, the confusion of following God when there is so much doubt and unknown around religion. The panel conversed like they would in the safety of their living room, but they did so with a whole audience watching. One of our favorite takeaways from this time was a line that was shared by Haesook Won, and she said, “If there is one piece of advice that I could give, it would be to have compassion on yourself.” We are praying that truth over YOU, whoever is reading this, that you too have compassion on yourself and know that we are all on a path and that arrival cannot be found until we get to meet with Jesus face to face in heaven for all of eternity.
Live Salted is a ministry for the hungry ones. They create Scripture-based resources + spaces to cultivate a culture where women live intimately with Jesus and boldly in their communities.
Sign up to join our growing community of intergenerational, Kingdom-minded women as we pursue the Lord together. You can expect words of encouragement, notices about upcoming events and sometimes a little peek behind the scenes of the Live Salted Team. We would love for you to join our growing family!