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Inspire your intimacy & passion for Jesus
We are a growing community of intergenerational women who desire to faithfully pursue Jesus and help lead others to do the same. We believe in building an authentic community of Kingdom-minded women who say “YES” to where God leads them, no matter how risky it might feel. We are so glad you are here!
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We Are Live Salted!
When you understand that you are “entrusted” by God to carry out good works, the only reasonable reaction is to trust Him him all the more.
Two days away from Live Salted Portland, and I am in a rut.
I am praying and do not feel the emotional (feeling) presence of the Lord. I am trying to picture all of the women who are going to be there with the hope that excitement and anticipation will emerge and overtake me, but it keeps falling flat. I am being thoughtful about getting rest, but I am still exhausted. I have been trying to eat healthy and workout, yet fall to the ever-present temptation that food will comfort me and make me feel better… which it never does.
I am sitting here confused, frustrated, and angry at my current state of being only a few days away from an event that I have poured my heart, soul, and complete body into these past 6 months. I don’t get it.
God, where are you in this?
In attempts to get myself out of this thinking and state of mind, I woke up early this morning to do a session from Beth Moore’s Entrusted study, and as the Lord usually does- He met me in the thick of my thoughts with a question Beth posed during her session:
For as long as I can remember, in small groups, Sunday school, at retreats and camps I have always been reminded to trust in the Lord. To lean on Him when I am weak, weary, afraid, broken-hearted, scared, and also when I am confident, joyful, content, and assured of who I am. We are told to trust in the Lord always, and there is nothing wrong with this – it is 100% the truth…
“Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.” – Isaiah 26:4
BUT have you ever been told that the Lord trusts you?
That you have been entrusted with a calling and a purpose that you are entrusted to live out? That there are things the Lord has created you to do, that He is counting on you to do?
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.For those God foreknewhe also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.” – Romans 8:28-30
Romans 8 talks about how God has “called” those he “foreknew,” and God being God, the creator of the universe and everything inside of it, means that He is talking about YOU! That each and every one of you is called AND predestined, justified and glorified, because our God created YOU.
I want you to sit with that truth.
Whatever it is the Lord has entrusted you with, will be the #1 thing the devil will work to pull you away from. Which is why we need to guard it with all that we have and use scripture to remind us of the ability and strength we have in Christ.
“O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you” – 1 Timothy 6:20 (ESV)
“To guard” is an active verb. It takes work to guard something, and that is exactly what Paul is saying in his letter to Timothy.
For me, I have been entrusted to lead Live Salted. God predestined me and prepared me and matured me through situations and experiences to mold me into the woman that I am today, able to do what I have been called to do. So with this knowledge, I now need to guard it with my life as I know I have an enemy who will do anything he can to bump me off track and distract me from my purpose.
I will be tantalized with lies, tempted with temporary pleasures of this world, told I am not good enough, as well as a lot of other attempts to get me off of this path, and those tactics are never going to stop.
“We won’t effectively guard what we don’t highly esteem.” – Beth Moore
So as I was sitting here this morning trying to figure out why I was feeling the way that I was, and struggling through why I couldn’t get myself out of this funk, the Lord graciously came alongside me and reminded me that regardless of how I feel, or where my emotions are at, or “how I am doing” on a certain day, that He trusts me.
That God entrusts us with a calling, that He trusts us to carry it out to completion with grace and honor.
Since our identity is rooted in God and comes from God, and we are told that God trusts US then the only reasonable reaction is to trust Him back… right? If our God, the creator of this entire universe and us “mere humans” puts His trust in us, then we have no other reaction than to trust Him in return.
I know that is a lot to process. Read it a few times and think about it, because when it hits you, it will rock your world!
Some of you might be thinking to yourself:
And those are all real questions (I was there and I am still there). Those are questions you should continue to pray about and wrestle with God through, but there is one truth that remains steady for all of us, no matter where we are in life, in regards to our calling:
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” – Matthew 28:19
Regardless of what our unique calling is, we are all called to go out and boldly share the Gospel. To talk with other people about the truth that has set us free, and the truth that has given us the freedom to live life to the full. We each have been created with unique gifts in which God has purposely given us to act upon (look at the Parable of the Talents to see how God sees those who do not act upon their abilities), but at the core of all those things is our single call to proclaim and share the Gospel.
If we do not do that, then we are missing the most important element and transforming truth in what it means to be a disciple of Christ.
Be bold ladies. Be confident. Live for acceptance and affirmation from our God and our God alone. Live into what He has entrusted you with and trust Him in return to give you all that you need to carry out your calling to completion.
Krista Hengesh is the founder and executive director of Live Salted. She started it back in 2016 and has been chasing after the Lord with this calling on her life since then. She is currently living in Seattle, Washington and loves to be outside and active whenever possible. She is deeply passionate about bringing people together and helping them recognize the potential and influence inside of them!
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